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The University of Potsdam is a public university located in Potsdam, the capital of the state of Brandenburg, Germany. It is mainly spread over three campuses in the city.
Some of the college buildings are part of the new Palace of Sanssouci, known for its UNESCO World Heritage status.
The University of Potsdam is the largest university in the state of Brandenburg and the fourth largest university in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area. More than 8,000 people work in academic and scientific jobs.
In 2009, the University of Potsdam was the winner of the “Teaching Excellence” program of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, the business innovation agency for the German science system.
Since universities largely originated in educational colleges, the emphasis today remains on teacher training. buy fake degree, buy fake diploma, buy fake certificate.
At the start of the winter term of the 2020/2021 academic year, approximately 22,000 young people are studying at the University of Potsdam. The University places particular emphasis on establishing four university research priorities. Buy fake University Potsdam diploma online. Obtain to get University Potsdam certificate online.
The increasing amount of third-party funding is a testament to the quality of research being carried out at universities today. The University of Potsdam also has successful and productive cooperation agreements with more than 30 non-university research institutions in the region.
Areas of Excellence link the departments of Psychology, Linguistics, Sport and Health Sciences through an interdisciplinary research agenda.
UP offers more than 150 degree programs in various fields, offered in German and other languages (especially French and English). order fake UP degree.
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