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The University of Leipzig (German: Universität Leipzig), located in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, is one of the oldest universities in the world. It is also the second oldest university in Germany (calculated by the number of years of continuous existence). buy fake degree, buy fake diploma, buy fake certifciate.

Notable alumni include Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Leopold von Ranke, Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Schumann , Richard Wagner, Tycho Brahe, Georgis Agricola, Angela Merkel and ten Nobel laureates associated with the university.

The university’s urban campus includes several locations. All in all, the university is spread across 38 locations in Leipzig.

The main buildings of the city center (Mitte) are still located on the same plot as the original university building from 1409.

The estimated total cost of the renovation project is EUR 140 million. Can I get fake Leipzig University degree?

The new building is scheduled for completion in 2009/2010, just in time for the University’s 600th anniversary celebrations.

In addition to the faculties and other teaching institutions, several other institutions serve the University

the University Library, University Archives and Administration, numerous museums (such as the Museum of Musical Instruments and the Museum of Ancient Egypt), and the University Hospital.

The university’s Leipzig Botanical Garden is the second oldest botanical garden in Europe. Founded in 1542.

The University’s Museum of Musical Instruments includes one of three surviving pianos in the world, built by the piano’s inventor, Bartolomeo Cristofori. Five other Cristofori instruments are also included in the museum’s collection. buy fake Leipzig University certificate online.