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L’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) est une université publique francophone située à Trois-Rivières, au Québec, Canada. Fondée en 1969, l’UQTR offre une variété de programmes d’études de premier cycle et de cycles supérieurs dans des domaines tels que les arts, les sciences humaines, les sciences de l’éducation, les sciences de la gestion, les sciences de la santé, les sciences pures et appliquées, et plus encore.

L’université se distingue par son approche pédagogique axée sur la recherche et par son engagement envers la communauté régionale. Elle accueille des étudiants de divers horizons et favorise l’innovation, la créativité et l’excellence académique. Can l purchase a realistic Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières degree certificate online?

L’UQTR possède également des installations modernes, des laboratoires de recherche de pointe et des partenariats avec l’industrie et d’autres institutions académiques. Elle est reconnue pour sa contribution au développement socio-économique de la région de la Mauricie et pour son rayonnement à l’échelle nationale et internationale. Buy degree certificate, # buy diploma, buy Doctor’s degree. Get Bachelor’s degree, buy fake degree, buy fake diploma. Buy fake certificate, buy fake transcript, buy degree certificate, buy diploma certificate.

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières degree


UQTR was created in 1969 with the merger of the “Centre d’Études universitaires de Trois-Rivières” and “L’école normale d’État Maurice Duplessis” (named after Maurice Duplessis). The first major campus, Ringuet, was opened in 1973 and is located in the vicinity of Des Forges and Des Récollets boulevards near downtown Trois-Rivières.

Over the following years, UQTR has expanded outside of the city into several towns in the Centre-du-Québec, Montérégie, Lanaudière, Quebec and Chaudière-Appalaches regions. Over the 1973-2009 time period the university has enjoyed a period of long term growth punctuated by several periods of short term fluctuation.

During the 2005 student protests, students narrowly voted in early March for a three-day student strike whose period included March 16, when several hundred UQTR students participated in a general protest in Montreal.

Two days later, the students narrowly voted for a return to class. However, due to complaints made by some student groups, the students and some instructors boycotted again about a week later. During the first boycott, some instructors reported to work to teach classes as scheduled. Groups called “commandos” patrolled the Trois-Rivières area in search of these instructors who failed to honour the pickets, enticing them to stay away from UQTR during the boycott.